A group of faithful from Stella Maris Church and Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish volunteer monthly for the Ecumenical Saturday Supper Ministry of East Saint John.
This ministry has been ongoing for 15 years, providing full, nutritious evening meals for individuals and families in need.
An open welcoming atmosphere is provided to guests who come to enjoy a hot meal hosted by the volunteer teams. Coronavirus restrictions have prevented serving meals at table, but we continue to serve 40-55 meals weekly by takeout.
Meals are prepared and served at the church hall of St. Mary and St. Bartholomew’s Church in Forest Hills. This church site also houses the Saint John East Food Bank, and soon, a clothing depot. St. Mary and St. Bartholemews have plans to expand their building to become a hub of activity, featuring cooking classes and other activities serving Food Bank clients.
Teams from St. Mary and St. Bartholemews Anglican, Forest Hills Baptist, Silver Falls United and Stella Maris churches are powerful witnesses to this East side community of the love of Christ and Christian unity.
Ongoing financial support is offered by most of these churches and by various individual donors.
Please pray that these donations continue and that new groups can step in to volunteer for this essential ministry.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mary O’Neill: 506-651-8420