Dear Family and Friends:
We thank you for being part of Our Lady of Good Council's community! We are so grateful for you, and all that you bring to our parish home.
During these trying times, it is our hope and prayer that you stay safe and healthy and adhere to the recommendations of the health authorities. We also want you to know that our Bishop, Bishop Christian, and all Priests are celebrating Masses privately for your intentions.
As much as possible our parish office will continue to operate via telephone and email, to serve the needs of all parishioners. As you know, we've been making changes to keep our whole parish family safe, cared for, and protected.
This is a delicate subject; it is uncomfortable to talk about giving and the need for the ongoing support of your parish, especially at this critical time. We all know that every parish, throughout our diocese, relies on your financial support to operate- which includes parish salaries, programs, and operating costs (insurance, electricity, oil, telephones, internet, etc.), all of which would not be possible without your ongoing generosity.
With our Sunday Mass attendance temporarily reduced to accommodate physical distancing, our offertory collections are reduced. Parish fundraising activities are also restricted. To support ongoing parish operations and needs, we are asking you to please support your parish at this time so that we can not only attend to the needs of our parish, but also our greater community.
The following donation options have been made available for your convenience:
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
201 Bayside Drive
Saint John, NB
E2J 1A5
Your donation to the parish may be made using the email: [email protected]
Your donation will automatically be deposited into our church bank account.
If applicable, please include the church you attend and your envelope number in the comment section of the e-transfer for income tax purposes.
You can download the PAD form below. Please email the completed form back to us or send it to us in the mail:
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
201 Bayside Drive
Saint John, NB
E2J 1A5
Email: [email protected]
Any donation questions can be directed to 506-653-6860 or [email protected].
We thank you for your generosity and ongoing support that you give to the parish, especially in these challenging times. May God shower you and your family with an abundance of his blessings and keep you close to his heart.
Sincerely in Christ,
Our Lady of Good Council Parish
Father Douglas McNeill - Pastor